Monday, February 22, 2010

11 Months After Surgery

It's almost been a year since my surgery, and I'm SO happy with the results! It looks MUCH better it person. My foot's so shiny because I have cocoa butter (vitamin E) on it to help reduce scars, & the flash from my camera bouncing off of it makes my foot look different, & shows off the scarring more. Believe me, the scarring is very minimal.

-As I'm writing this, my left foot is propped up because I just got it done! Pictures & updates of the journey with my left foot will be coming soon!!!

About 4-4.5 Weeks After Surgery

This was after the first time I got to wash my foot since the surgery! It was a little painful when the water hit it, but I was so excited to finally take a shower with 2 feet, that I didn't care! The dark spots on my toes are a mixture of the marker used before my surgery to mark the inscisions and dried up blood. I think it looks GORGEOUS!

3.5 Weeks After Surgery

THE PINS COME OUT!! Now.. if you notice.. there are a little set of pliers next to my foot. Yep.. you guessed it! That's what is used to take the pins out! No, I was no asleep or numbed during the removal. My podiatrist simply leaned the chair back, & pulled the pins out. It didn't hurt at all.. just felt a little itchy after the fact.

One Week After Surgery

This is the first time I saw my foot after surgery!! AAHHHH!! It was EXTREMELY swollen, the pins seemed super long, & all of the extra skin on my toes freaked me out! My doctor reassured me that it will shrink, & told me that my foot looks "gorgeous"!!